A change of art: Waller-Bridge supports Amazon theatre fund

Published by Florence McCrae on August 14th 2020, 9:09am

For once, Fleabag and her godmother are on the same page. Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Olivia Colman, the actresses responsible for the multi-award-winning show have come together in support of Amazon’s $6 million arts fund, to support those who have suffered as a result of the Covid-crisis.

The award, which has been offered to support the European film, TV and theatre production community respond to the crisis has been divided into several grants, with £1 million already awarded to a Covid-response fund. Waller-Bridge and Colman are responibsle for a £500,000 fund for the theatre community, which they co-spearhead with Francesca Moody, the show’s producer.

In a joint statement, the trio noted: “We’re utterly blown away to have such an extraordinary level of support from Amazon.”

They continued: “Our theatre community has never been more threatened or fragile and this donation, alongside those from other industry individuals, is a game changer for its future. On behalf of the theatre community fund we extend a huge thank you to Amazon for the acknowledgement of the value and power of UK theatre and how we as an industry will survive anything when we hold each other up in times of crisis.”

Waller-Bridge’s career began in live performing arts, with Fleabag first shown at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2013.

According to Jennifer Salke, head of Amazon studios: “The creative community in Europe has been vital to our success in producing high-quality Amazon original TV series and movies for our global audience, and it is essential for us to help that community through this pandemic.”

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Authored By

Florence McCrae
Literary Editor
August 14th 2020, 9:09am

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