Ainslie Wood acts fast to stop spread, GTC Scotland praises teachers and Biofoodnutrition reveals its secrets

Published by Richard Yarrick-Holmes on October 10th 2020, 11:11am

In a double-dose of positive news for the education sector, the head GTC Scotland has expressed his praise for the ‘resilience and dedication’ of teachers throughout the Covid crisis, and a school in east London has successfully stopped a spread of the virus after one pupil tested positive. Meanwhile, in news affecting much younger children than those of school age, Biofoodnutrition have revealed the secrets behind Fabimilk.

GTC Scotland chief executive heaps praise on teachers

The chief executive and registrar of GTC Scotland has praised teachers for their outstanding work over an incredibly difficult year for education.

Speaking on World Teachers’ Day 2020, which took place on October 5th, Ken Muir said:

‘Over the last six months, teachers in Scotland have had to show resilience and dedication in coping with the considerable demands placed on them as a result of Covid. These demands are not always well understood by those outwith education but have included maintaining meaningful learning and teaching for learners, embracing new ways of teaching and supporting learners to re-engage in their learning.

‘Our experience over the past six months gives an ideal opportunity to review what we want from our Scottish education system for the future. Whatever that future might be, the professionalism and commitment of teachers will play a key role in realising our shared vision for a world-class education system that meets the needs of all learners.’

Ainslie Wood welcomes pupils back from isolation with no further cases

Kerry Scott, headteacher of Waltham Forest-based Ainslie Wood Primary School has this week welcomed back pupils from the Journey Class who had previously been sent home to isolate.

In a letter to parents last week, Mrs Scott said there were ‘no further cases’, and added, ‘I am excited for them to return to school on Monday, to congratulate them for sticking so well to the plan that the one confirmed case did not spread, and to find out from them about their experience of our new remote learning platform so we can make sure it works well for everyone.'

Mrs Scott also said that, while they are still finalising plans and risk assessments, they expect that the holiday camp for the October half term will go ahead.

Biofoodnutrition reveal science behind Fabimilk

Biofoodnutrition, the London-based pan-European food science company led by Sheida Moussavi, has revealed the secrets behind its Fabimilk baby milk formula.

The aim of the organisation is to produce quality nutritional products based on cow's milk. In doing so, they also aim to ensure that their products contain as many similarities as possible with breast milk.

As such, Fabimilk’s key ingredients include Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), Arachidonic Acid (AA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), all of which are naturally found in breast milk.

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Authored By

Richard Yarrick-Holmes
Associate Editor
October 10th 2020, 11:11am

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