Project to improve alternative methods of transport

Published by Rupert Douglas on February 6th 2023, 11:11am

The UK government has announced a £200 million fund to improve walking, wheeling, and cycling routes in England. The investment will be used to improve safety at crossings and junctions, make street designs more inclusive, and create more paths in rural areas. 

The projects will be developed in consultation with local residents and businesses and will be announced later this year.

This investment is expected to grow the economy by improving transport links, boosting high streets, and creating skilled jobs. According to walking and cycling charity Sustrans, active travel generated £36.5 billion for the economy in 2021 through increased spending on high streets, reduced pressure on the NHS, and better access to jobs. The funding could generate up to 16 million additional walking and cycling trips a year.

Transport Secretary Mark Harper said, "This £200 million investment for hundreds of upgraded routes and paths across the country will help to reduce emissions, boost local economies and create jobs." He added that these new schemes will make it safer for children to walk to school and will better connect rural communities, helping more people choose active travel as an affordable and healthy way to get around.

Active Travel Commissioner Chris Boardman said, "Active travel is convenient, cheap, low carbon and health-giving. It’s a choice we need to make sure everyone has." He added that their job is to help local authorities across the country ensure that everyone has more attractive options for their daily trips and they are excited to help them deliver those options.

The funding could result in more young people choosing a healthier and greener way to travel from home to school. Currently, less than half of children aged 5 to 16 walk or cycle to school, and this investment aims to boost uptake. The government's objective is to enable 55% of all primary school children to walk to school by 2025.

Studies have shown that 1 in 2 women feel unsafe walking after dark in a quiet street near their home. Local authorities will need to show that their proposed schemes take women's safety into account. Previous funding rounds saw a new cycle lane built in Coventry, which generated 10,000 trips in its first month, and a new walking and cycling route in Manchester, where people travelling on foot and by bike are separated from motor vehicles.

In conclusion, the £200 million fund announced by the UK government will provide improved walking, wheeling, and cycling routes in England, making it safer and more convenient for people to choose active travel. This investment is expected to grow the economy and create skilled jobs, as well as reduce emissions and support local communities.

Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash

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Rupert Douglas
Junior Editor
February 6th 2023, 11:11am

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